Friday, July 1, 2011

Welcome to My Journey I was trying to fall asleep last night, it occured to me that I needed a place to really vent about how much working out can suck.  I'm not saying that it does, but there are those moments, when you just wanna roll over and quit.

I figure getting it written down here will either get it out of my system and allow me to keep on chugging rather than get hung-up on it...or on the off chance that someone actually bothers to read this and comment (which if my book blog is any indication will not be the case), they might give me some words of encouragement. I go.  As I'm not yet comfortable writing my exact measurements, so I'll just write down  how far I've come.

Since this is my first entry...I'll be putting the differences between my starting point until now.  Future updates will just be week-to-week.

Weight: -38 lbs.
Waist: -2 in.
Hips: -4 in.


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